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Housecall Visits

Visits are done in the comfort of your home.


Wellness Exams

The overall general health of your pet is evaluated.



Acupuncture can provide pain relief for osteoarthritis and other painful conditions


Therapeutic Laser
Multi Radiance Medical Activet Pro laser treatment helps relieve pain, inflammation and facilitate wound healing.
Whole body massage is helpful to relax tense muscles and improve blood flow.
Blood Pressure Monitoring
Pets with chronic diseases such as kidney disease or Cushings Disease may quietly suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure can result in organ damage, retinal detachment and nose bleeds among other issues.
Eye Pressure Monitoring
Uveitis and Glaucoma can both impair vision. Routine monitoring of eye pressure is especially important in older pets with cataracts. Certain breeds/ family bloodlines are also more prone to glaucoma. 



Routine vaccinations and vaccine antibody titers

through KSU are available.

Diagnostic testing

Blood and other lab tests are available through IDEXX Labs or Colorado State University.

Euthanasia and Cremation Services
Cremation offered through Lasting Paws Pet Memorial Services
AVID microchip implants are available.

Canine Rehabilitation

In-home rehab exercises and monitoring can be initiated.  Therapeutic and conditioning equipment is available.

Cryolab Vet

Freezing of skin tags and other small skin growths

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- House calls

- Wellness exams

- Therapeutic Laser
- Massage

- Acupuncture

- Diagnostics

- Canine Rehabilitation

- And more....


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday - Friday




Location: Bailey, Colorado


Tel:  (207) 320-3049

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