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  • P. Scudder

Dealing with Pet Loss/ Grief Support

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet whether rabbit, hamster, dog, cat or other creature is never easy. Everyone mourns the loss of their pet differently. Some people choose to immediately fill the void with a new pet, while others need to reflect and allow the pain of the loss to lessen.

How long does it take to fully grieve? Every person is different and no one should feel bad for being sad. What is

important is that you find a way to achieve closure so that you can move forward with your life.

For me, I prefer to focus on all the adventures that were shared, to reflect upon the fond memories as well as to embrace the adversities that were overcome over the years.

How you choose to deal with your grief is personal. If you feel that you are struggling with your feelings, feeling depressed or just stuck and unable to move forward, there are pet loss support groups available. A few links are listed below of some services that are available. There are chat groups as well as a physical meeting available in the Denver area.

Pet Loss Support Group


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