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Rabies in Colorado

P. Scudder

With spring weather brings the emergence of fleas, ticks and mosquitos. However, we must not forget about rabies in our wildlife. For many years in Colorado, the main concern for rabies was in bats. This is no longer the case. So far in 2017, there have been 43 confirmed cases of rabies in animals. The majority of cases have been skunks. Unfortunately there have also been 2 cases in domestic dogs. At this time, the majority of confirmed cases have occurred in Jefferson County. Near my practice area, Broomfield, Boulder, and Denver counties have also had confirmed cases. No cases have been confirmed in Park County yet. With this in mind, please confirm that your pet is current on rabies vaccination. There is no cure for rabies once a pet starts to show symptoms.

Skunks that are out roaming during the day or acting unusual such as spraying everywhere while unprovoked is unusual behavior. If you observe a skunk that is showing odd behavior, do not approach it and contact your local Animal Control Officer. (especially if it is hanging around your house where pets and people may be at risk). If your pet is bitten by a rabid animal, then a booster of the rabies vaccine is needed. A pet must be at least 12 weeks of age to receive an initial rabies vaccine. After this initial vaccine, a booster is needed in one year. Following this second vaccine, the rabies vaccine is typically boostered every 3 years in the state of Colorado.

Rabies testing of the wildlife is needed if a person or pet has been bitten and rabies is suspected. If the wild animal is killed prior to the proper authorities arriving, it is important to make sure no physical contact is made with the animal without proper protection (i.e. gloves,protective clothing, etc). Fresh saliva contains the rabies virus and contact with skin can be an issue if you have any cuts or abrasions. Also, do not damage the head! Rabies testing requires fresh brain tissue.

While most of us think of our dogs and cats, other animals can get rabies as well. Farm mammals are also at risk for exposure to a rabid animal. A rabies vaccine is available for your horse, cow, sheep, etc. For more information on rabies in your area go to

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