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Your Aging Pet/Behavioral and Physical Changes

P. Scudder

Companion Veterinary Health Services - Bailey, Colorado

Developing a bond with your new puppy as you work on training and socializing him or her is typically a rewarding experience. This relationship continues to grow and change over the years. As my dogs continue to age and change with physical challenges, I realize how important it is to maintain that relationship and to help them deal with the physical and mental disabilities and limitations they may be experiencing. While there is a time to consider quality of life issues, there can still be many good years shared together. For new pet owners, it is nice to have some idea of what changes you can expect over the lifetime of your pet. Not every ailment can be covered in this segment, but some of the more common issues will be discussed.

Vision impairment and hearing loss: To some degree, vision impairment is difficult to assess because your pet can not tell us that objects appear blurry or lighting seems dim. Many older dogs gradually develop cataracts. Many never become fully blind, but navigating stairs, jumping on or off furniture or unfamiliar territory can be a challenge. Dogs are often good at memorizing their environment so unless you rearrange furniture, you might not even be aware that the dog is having an issue. Clues you can look for would be hesitating on stairs, not being able to track or catch a thrown ball or treat, not recognizing a person until they are in close proximity. Hearing loss may seem like selective hearing, but it could also be due to certain pitches or loudness that the dog or cat can no longer perceive. Some dogs will start to bark more or startle easily when they are starting to lose their hearing. How does a person help their pet deal with these changes? First, it may be a good idea to make sure there isn't a health issue that is causing the change (Infections, pigmentary keratitis, polyps in the ear, etc). Cataracts can be removed by a veterinary ophthalmologist if the pet is still in good overall health. Otherwise, additional lighting, walking with your pet on a leash at night for visual cues and physical contact can be helpful. For hearing loss, teaching hand signals and physical touch can help keep communication and interaction with your pet optimized. Pets can start to withdraw when their interaction with the rest of the world becomes compromised. It is so important to take the extra time to include and stimulate them with walks and social interaction to keep them from losing touch with everything around them.

Dementia/ Mental dullness: Dementia can be subtle or progress to severe impairment. Cats may vocalize more especially at night. Animals may exhibit changes in sleep patterns, stand in corners and seem lost and lose their connection with their owners. Seizures, repetitive circling, mental dullness can also be a symptom of other brain dysfunction/ CNS disease. If these behaviors are noticed, a checkup with your regular veterinarian or neurologist is advised. Lab tests for other underlying health diseases should be pursued before assuming it is dementia.

Osteoarthritis: Dogs and cats both develop arthritis (osteoarthritis). Just like with people, joints deteriorate with use and backs can develop disk disease. Pets and people lose muscle mass as they age, so regular exercise can help slow this process down. Maintaining a healthy weight, exercise, omega-3 fatty acids, antiinflammatories, acupuncture and laser therapy can all help to control/ minimize the debilitating effect of arthritis. Regenerative medicine, joint replacement and supportive braces may also be options for treatment.

Physical changes are inevitable as our pets age, but that doesn't mean our dog or cat still can't enjoy what life has to offer. Being aware of the changes is the first step to being able to help our furry friend adjust. After all the loyalty and love they have shared with us over the years, they deserve our love and attention in their time of need.

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