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  • P. Scudder

Fun Ways to Exercise Your Pet from Home

With our lives being so busy commuting to work, shuttling kids to school or after school activities, we often have little time for ourselves and our pets. The weather in Colorado is often gorgeous so time outside hiking or walking is typically a pleasant venture. On days when you are short on time or daylight is limited (winter season), what can you do in the house to keep your dog or cat in shape?

Cats can be a challenge depending on the age and personality of the cat. Some felines are truly difficult to motivate into action. However, some common things to try are catnip toys that they can fetch, laser or pen lights that the cats pursue, long feathers or even tossing the kibble across the floor so the cat has to hunt and move to find its meal. There are now motorized toys to catch their attention. If they like to climb, you could also get a cat tree or tower and place a few kibbles of food on the different levels to entice them to move.

With dogs, you can get creative with exercise. Possibilities are limited only by space, time, resources and your dog's physical abilities. For the the high energy athlete, there are now treadmills made specifically for your 4-legged friend. There are also exercise balls, balance equipment that require focus as well as physical strength. They are nice because they do not require a lot of space to use them. For the less energetic types, there are your usual toys that can make noise or have food rewards tucked inside of them.

Companion Veterinary Health Services - Bailey, Colorado

More dogs get into trouble or develop behavioral issues due to boredom or pent up energy or anxiety. While daily exercise won't fix every problem, you will be surprised how much it can help make you and your dog feel better. Try to set aside 10 to 15 minutes a day for you to unwind by exercising/ playing with your dog. If you just don't have the time to entertain your dog, then doggie daycare may be a solution for you.

If weight loss is also an issue for your dog, the increase in activity may help. Every day, I see more dogs losing their waistlines from overfeeding or giving food as a symbol of affection. When using food to motivate activity, make sure you subtract the amount of kibble or treats you gave from the total amount of food you usually give daily. I know few of us enjoy counting calories, so if you use kibble as a treat, you can know the amount by using a measuring cup to gauge how much you need to subtract from the next meal. If you are exercising your dog regularly, minimizing extra treats and weight gain is still an issue, there are health problems such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's disease that could be hampering your efforts.

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